Don't Just Comply with GHS, Unlock the Opportunities Hidden in Your SDS Processes

If you have to manage or author 


Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for your product line, then you already understand the technical and scientific challenges that go into GHS compliance. This guide will help you take things one step further - to see the big picture of how your SDS authoring processes can be improved from an operations perspective, with an emphasis on agility, reliability, accuracy, and risk management. 

  • Agility and Speed - reduce how long it takes to produce an SDS and streamline your SDS-related processes. Improve customer satisfaction with your SDS services and increase market share.
  • Reliability and Accuracy  - SDS accuracy is paramount to compliance and your workplace safety. Learn how to improve the accuracy of your SDSs without increasing production time or costs.
  • Reduce Risks - decrease the risks present in your own workplace, in your customers' workplaces, and reduce the risk of fines for your operations.

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